
The adventures of a physicist not trusting in his own science

Yesterday I made my way back to Sweden. First a standard side blow towards Deutsche Bahn: For the 1000 km from home to Sweden it took me four hours and 15 minutes. That is less than it took me from Heidelberg to home with Deutsche Bahn ...

Now the journey. Generally everything went smoothely. The only negative thing was that I constantly doubted "my own" science - physics. Actually I did not doubt the science but I rather missed some statistical data. Yes, sitting in a plane something like that will probably only come from a physicist ... How much electromagnetic radiation does it take to confuse an airplane's control electronics? (Of course some workaholic want-to-be-top-managers had to keep working during approach for landing despite several requests to switch their tablet off.) What happens if a bird or hailstone crashes into the propellers of a propeller machine? (There were several machines with strangely large propellers instead of the "usual" jet engines at the airport and somehow I hoped that we would not fly with one of those.) Why does the airplane we are on make such noises? (I never heard something like this before: Howling, buzzing, vibrating and whistling in concert.) ...
So even as a physicist (or maybe even more?) a plane flight holds a whole bunch of mysteries to keep you busy ... It is about time that we invent teleportation.

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