
Skål för alla vikingar som kom hit!

A little cultural exchange on a Monday evening: A tradition at the sittnings here in Sweden (formal to semi-formal dinners organised by the nations) is singing! As I have been to a few Tackfests (thank you sittnings for working) now I want to share my favourite song so far. I do not know if it is my favourite song because it is the one I can sing loudest (since it is the only one where I know the melody :x :D ) or if it is because I really like the melody but anyways, here it is! The melody is the one of "When Johnny comes marching home" so you might sing along while reading the text. ;)


En viking vill ha livets vann, hurra, hurra!
Den hastigt i mitt svalg försvann, hurra, hurra!
Till kalv, till oxe, till fisk, till fläsk,
När kärringar bara dricker läsk,
Då vill alla sanna vikingar ha en bäsk.

När vi har druckit bäsken slut, tragik, tragik,
Då bäres varje viking ut som lik, sig lik,
Och sen om vi vaknar vi sjunger en bit,
Sen korkar vi upp Skånes Akvavit.
SKÅL för alla vikingar som kom hit.

A viking wants to have the water of live, hurray, hurray!
Which quickly disappeared in my throat, hurray, hurray!
To calf, to ox, to fish, to pork.
When witches only drink soda (or any not alcoholic drink)
Then all true vikings want to have a bäsk. (a kind of snaps)

When we drank all of the bäsk, tragical, tragical
Then all vikings are carried out like corpses, like corpses,
And then when we wake up we sing a little
Then we open Skånes Akvavit (SNAPS!! flavoured with anis, I think)
CHEERS to all vikings that came here!

Someone told me that every now and then new songs are composed and presented at an event for this exact and only purpose but I have to admit that I do not remember if this still happens or if this happened in earlier times. It would be a great thing though if it still happened!

For those who do not remember the melody here is a nice version of it: (Music first, singing afterwards.)

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